序号 | 题名 | 索书号 | 出版日期 | 标准编码 | 收藏库室 |
1 | Isopoliteia in Hellenistic times / | D854.59/SS | [2020] | 9789004425699 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
2 | Gaining and losing imperial favour in late antiquity : | K546.1/GLI | [2020] | 9789004407695 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
3 | Aelia Capitolina - Jerusalem in the Roman period : | K883.822/WS | [2020] | 9789004407336 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
4 | Aristophanes and politics : | J809.545/AP | [2020] | 9789004424456 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
5 | People and institutions in the Roman Empire : | K126/PIR | [2020] | 9789004441132 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
6 | Printing Virgil : | I106.2/KC | [2020] | 9789004421349 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
7 | The meaning of color in ancient Mesopotamia / | H671.1/TS | [2020] | 9789004415379 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
8 | Greek paideia and local tradition in the Graeco-Roman East / | K125/GPL | 2020. | 9789042940048 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
9 | Epistulae. Volume I / | I106/PME/V.1 | [2019] | 9783110622010 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
10 | Solo dance in archaic and classical Greek literature : | I545.06/OS | 2021. | 9781108485036 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
11 | The reception of Plato's Phaedrus from antiquity to the Renaissance / | B502.232/RPP | [2020] | 9783110683639 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
12 | Reading old books : | I109.3/MP | [2019] | 9780691194004 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
13 | Paracomedy : | I545.073/JC | [2020] | 9780190090937 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
14 | Other natures : | C912.4-095.45/BC | [2020] | 9780520343481 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
15 | The rise of Coptic : | H673/FJ | [2020] | 9780691198347 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
16 | A prosopography to Martial's epigrams / | I106.2/MSRP | [2019] | 9783110621358 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
17 | Provincial allocations in Rome 123-52 BCE / | K126/RDP | [2019] | 9783515121194 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
18 | Rethinking Athens before the Persian wars : | K885.452/RAB | [2019] | 9783831648139 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
19 | Thinking in cases : | K12/TC | [2019] | 9783110640700 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
20 | Urban disasters and the Roman imagination / | K546.9/UDR | [2020] | 9783110674699 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
21 | Platonism and the objects of science / | B502.232/BSL | 2020. | 9781350080218 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
22 | Ethnicity and identity in Herodotus / | K125/EIH | 2020. | 9781138631113 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
23 | Demetrius the besieger / | K835.556.7/DEM | 2020. | 9780198836049 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
24 | The battle of the classics : | G571.2/AEB | [2020] | 9780197518786 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
25 | Limes, economy and society in the Lower Danubian Roman provinces / | K126/LES | [2019] | 9789042938120 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
26 | The invention of medicine : | R-095.45/LFR | 2020. | 9780465093441 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
27 | Word, phrase, and sentence in relation : | H04-532/WPS | [2020] | 9783110687965 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
28 | Dionysus after Nietzsche : | B516.47/LA | 2020. | 9781108482561 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
29 | Capital, investment, and innovation in the Roman world / | F154.69/CII | 2020. | 9780198841845 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
30 | History of Ancient Greek literature. Volume1,The Archaic and Classical Ages / | I545.06/MF/V.1 | 2022. | 9783110419924 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
31 | Painting, poetry, and the invention of tenderness in the early Roman Empire / | J110.92/VH | 2021. | 9781108835411 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
32 | Aristoteles Latinus.Physiognomonica : | B502.233/AL/V.19 | [2019] | 9782503585673 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
33 | Crossing the pomerium : | K126/KMC | [2020] | 9780691195032 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
34 | Rhetoric and innovation in Hellenistic art / | J154.5/SK | 2020. | 9781108490917 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
35 | Late antique letter collections : | I106.6/LAL | 2019. | 9780520308411 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
36 | Greek and Roman technology : | T-095.4/HJW-2 | 2020. | 9781138927896 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
37 | John Milton epistolarum familiarium liber unus and uncollected letters / | K835.615.6/MJ | 2019. | 9789462701878 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
38 | Literature squared : | I106/LSH | [2020] | 9782503586526 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
39 | The functions and use of Roman coinage: | F825.469/KF | [2019] | 9789004413528 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
40 | Interconnectedness : | B502/ZC-2 | 2019. | 9783896657961 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
41 | The Latin of science / | H771.94/LS | [2019] | 9780865168602 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
42 | The rhetoric of the past in Demosthenes and Aeschines : | I545.062/WG | 2020. | 9780198857037 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
43 | Lexicon of Argead Makedonia (LexAM) / | K555.6/LAM | [2020] | 9783732904051 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
44 | Aristotle on the concept of shared life / | B502.233/BSR | 2020. | 9780198839583 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
45 | Classical learning in Britain, France, and the Dutch Republic, 1690-1750 : | H0-09/VF | 2020. | 9780198861690 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
46 | Hegel's antiquity / | B516.35/DWD | 2020. | 9780198839064 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
47 | Oedipus the King : | I545.32/SOPV | 2020. | 9780198854845 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
48 | Die Gallier-Rede des Claudius aus dem Jahr 48 n. Chr. : | K126/JH | [2019] | 9783831647699 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
49 | Claudiano tra scienza e mirabilia : | I106.2/CTS | 2020. | 9783487159485 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
50 | Cassius Dio / | K126/MJM | 2019. | 9781350033375 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
51 | Digitalisierung in Unterricht und Lehre der Alten Sprachen : | H09-532/DUL | 2019. | 9783939526407 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
52 | Leadership, ideology and crowds in the Roman Empire of the fourth century AD / | K126/LIC | [2020] | 9783515124041 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
53 | Empire, hegemony or anarchy? : | K126/EHA | [2019] | 9783515115247 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
54 | Camps, campaigns, colonies : | K126/DEC | [2020] | 9783447113816 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
55 | Funerary portraiture in Greater Roman Syria / | K883.768.8/FPG | [2019] | 9782503576336 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
56 | The archaeology of Mithraism : | B933-05/AM | 2020. | 9789042943520 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
57 | Egypt and the Augustan cultural revolution : | K126/AME | 2019. | 9789042940574 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
58 | The house of Augustus : | K126/WTP | [2019] | 9780691180076 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |
59 | Epigraphy through five millennia : | K884.107.4/EFM | 2020. | 9783447113847 | 外文图书(中心馆5楼) |