Sunoikisis Digital Classics, Spring 2019: Session 2. Using online linguistic tools: dictionaries and


Sunoikisis Digital Classics, Spring 2019

Session 2. Using online linguistic tools: dictionaries and text corpora

Thursday January 17, 16:00 UK = 18:00 EET

Convenors: Helma Dik (Chicago), Bridget Almas (Alpheios) and Marja Vierros (Helsinki)

YouTube link:


Slides Vierros

Slides Almas

Session outline

This session will explore and present what types of searches it is possible to perform with the existing online tools and text corpora when it comes to linguistic questions concerning Greek or Latin. We will present searching and examining strings, lemmata, part-of-speech, and – to some extent – syntax.

  • intro to online resources, including TLG, Perseus/Scaife Viewer

  • search and research features of Logeion, Philologic:

    • basic workings of Logeion (; tips and tricks; differences between app and website

    • basic workings of 'Perseus under Philologic' (; searching for a string, a lemma, a form; 'refined search results' and 'text objects'.

    • the morphology window in PhiloLogic and lookup in Logeion.

  • Using Alpheios for reading and word study.

    • We will explore the ways the Alpheios Reading Tools can be used as aids when reading any Latin or Greek text, learning or examining inflections, and using aligned morpho-syntactic annotations to disambiguate between multiple possible analyses.

  • possibilities for syntactic queries (e.g. Tündra, PROIEL/INESS, Sematia etc.)

Seminar readings

Further reading

  • Brunner, Theodore F. 1993. Classics and the Computer: The History of a Relationship. In Accessing Antiquity, ed. Jon Solomon, 10-33. Tucson: U. Arizona Press.

  • Crane, Gregory. 2004. Classics and the Computer: An End of the History. In A Companion to Digital Humanities, eds. Schreibman, Siemens, Unsworth, 46-55. Oxford: Blackwell. Available:

Essay title

  • tba


  1. Alpheios: select a sentence of Greek or Latin to read in an unannotated version of a text (e.g. maybe from Bibliotheca Augustana), use Alpheios to examine meanings, possible inflections, then compare to using a version of the same text from the alpheios site which has been treebanked, to explore how the addition of tree diagrams enhance (or don't) the reading experience and whether the annotator's choices concur with their own analysis.

  2. TLG, PhiloLogic, Scaife Viewer (, ...). Pick a lemma and an author of your liking and search for that lemma in your author in all three (or more.. ) venues. Can you explain the differences in the results? What design choices were made to cause these differences?

  3. In which of these resources would it make sense to try and look for particular syntactic constructions?
