In the current health crisis, Classics colleagues all over the world are being asked to rapidly switch to online teaching. There is already a great deal of help out there, and we don’t want to replicate that, but the following is a list of resources that the Open University and FutureLearn has that might be useful to you. NB: some of the Classical material is pretty old – we’re hoping it still has paedagogical value nonetheless; this list was put together in a hurry so please excuse any formatting errors.
General guidance and help with distance learning:
OU advice page on taking your teaching onlineFree course: Take Your Teaching Online
Advice on how to be an online student
Online Classical resources you can use in your teaching:
Introducing Greek and Latin: short course with various materialsIntroducing Ancient Greek: short unit on the alphabet, pronunciation, using letters to form words and using words to form simple sentences.
Greek Vocabulary Tester: OU/Eton collaboration based on Reading Greek
Reading Classical Greek: interactive quizzes based on Reading Greek
Introducing Classical Latin: short unit on basic vocabulary, basic principles of Latin word order and sentence structure
Interactive Latin: quiz on Latin noun, verb and adjective endings
Getting started on Classical Latin: free online course with beginners’ materials
The development of the Latin language: discussion of how Latin developed into modern Romance languages
Continuing Classical Latin: short online course
Iliad and Odyssey: animated videosAeschylus’ Persians: short animated summary
Aristophanes’ Lysistrata: short animated summary
Encountering a Greek Vase: video
Introduction to Antigone: video
Greek Theatre: podcast
Greek Comedy: podcasts and videos
Acropolis and Parthenon: podcast
Herodotus: various materials
Greek Myth and Dr Who: article
Icarus Myth: free online course with various materials
Introduction to the Iliad: short online course with various materials
Myth at the heart of the Roman Empire: podcastIntroduction to Virgil’s Aeneid: free online course with various materials
Buildings of ancient Rome: podcast
Mosaics at Brading Villa: videos
Hadrian: The Roamin’ Emperor: online game
Learning from human remains: an Etruscan skeleton: podcast
Power and People in Ancient Rome (a study of the arena, baths etc.): podcast
Roman funerary monuments: podcast
Hadrian’s Rome: free course with lots of materials
Ovid and Holkham Hall: podcast
Graffiti in Pompeii: video
Thugga: Romano-African City: free course with various materials
Introducing the Classical World: free course with lots of material on sourceworkExploring the classical world through the texts of Homer, Catullus, Horace, and Juvenal: podcast
Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World: short course
The Graeco-Roman city of Paestum: podcast
Myth in the Greek and Roman Worlds: the Temple of Diana at Nemi: podcast
The Library of Alexandria: short online course with usable material
The Body in Antiquity: short online course with usable material
Reception: Pygmalion meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer: podcast